
How to talk to Women at the Gym as a Man and what to Say

Are you interested in learning how to talk to women at the gym? Our tool and guide provide you with the best things to say when starting a conversation and the best questions to ask to keep it going on top of a complete guide.

"You are training extremely hard. Don’t you get sore?"
Ask her if she gets muscle aches after training as hard as she does. See how she reacts.
"Do you work out a lot? Or do you do other sports?"
Covert compliment. Imply that she looks like she works out a lot. See how she reacts.
"Do do any cardio too?"
Ask her is she only does weights or also does cardio. Usually they do not because they do other sports.
"What other sports do you do? Volleyball?"
Ask her about other sports she does. Make an educated guess if you dare. It can be risky.
"Hey, what is your name by the way? … I am Adam."
Ask her name and give your own. Best not to do this too early in the conversation and only if she responds well.
"You seem to be doing a lot of reps. What do you do? 20 reps per set?"
Gym talk: Talk about how many reps she does per set. Follow up with a comment.
"What supplements do you take?"
General gym talk. Ask her what her secrets are and if she uses protein powder, creating, pre-workouts ect.
"How often do you stretch? I cannot even touch my toes."
Self-deprecating. Ask her what her stretching secrets are. See how she reacts.
"How do you manage to stay this slim? What is your secret?"
Direct compliment. See how she reacts. Find out how she manages to stay thin.
"Where are you from? Are you from Italy?"
Kind of risky. Ask her where her family originally comes from. Follow up with a guess. Try to make it a guess that cannot be interpreted as an insult. Italy, Sweden ect.
"You got a good tan. Have you been on holiday?"
Simple concept: Notice something positive about her and ask her about it. Very effective.
"I really should train my legs as well. What are the best exercises?"
Ask her about the best leg workout routine. See how she reacts. Ask more if she reacts well.


The gym is an excellent location for meeting women and making friends in general. You can either talk to a specific group of people by going at the same time or be presented with new people by changing the time you visit the gym.

Since most people go to the gym regularly, you have little or no stress, allowing you to take steps when you are ready and at your own pace.

However, some people and especially some women are simply there to train and are not willing to talk to people and may get annoyed if you try to force interactions. So it pays to simply be friendly, make eye contact, greet people you have seen regularly before and not try to force people into talking.

Eye contact is also key, as many people listen to music during workouts and may not hear you. Clear nonverbal communication is important in those cases.

Top Tips

Here are some useful tips that may help you talk to girls at the gym as a man:

  • Make eye-contact and greet people in general.

  • Do not talk to women only. People may judge you.

  • If you lack courage, start by talking to guys and build your confidence.

  • Wait for the right situation. You will generally see people again.

  • Make eye contact, smile and raise your head to signal that you want to talk if they are listening to music.

Common Problems

Here are some of the potential problems you may encounter when talking to people and especially women at a fitness facility:

  • Some women may complain about you if you try to force conversations.

  • People may respond with envy if they see you doing what they would like to be able to do.

  • If you talk to too many women you will be perceived as a sleazy person.

  • Many people at the gym are not looking for any social interactions. Stay away.

  • People listening to music may not hear what you say at first.

How to Learn

As with learning anything it pays to know the theory. Our tool can give you some great ideas for things to say to start talking to people at the gym and how to keep the conversation going.

However, practice is the most important factor: Just like driving a car, knowing how everything works is vital, but without ever doing it, you will never be able to do it in the real world. - Practice is extremely important in building up courage and social skills.

I always recommend starting small. Talking to guys at first before talking to women. Using low-risk opening lines to start a conversation and waiting for opportune moments.

However, if you never start talking to people, you will never master it. So if you do not have the courage yet to talk to anyone at all, you need to change things about yourself to increase your confidence.


  • You see people regularly.

  • Many people in a confined space.

  • Many ‘excuses’ to start talking.

  • Overall an easy place to start talking to people.


  • Some people do not want to talk at all here.

  • Rumors and complaints.

  • Training takes a long time if you talk a lot.